Feb 22, 2006

Taoist Breathing - Do not try this at home

Like the title says. I was reading a book on Taiji Qigong, potentially hardcore qi refinement techniques, and the author described this system of conscious breathing. He stressed the absolute importance of having a teacher to perform this style. I, being the ever doubtful yet playful anarchist I am, decided to try it out on a small scale to judge this statement. So, about 1.5 hrs of meditation to get the etheric senses running, a couple of breaths, a break, couple more breaths, wait, watch...etc.
This is bizarre readers, so hold with the analogy: The results of the observation were something like being given a basketball (a great, kinetically powerful orb of fun) on a pleasant Spring day with little fluffy clouds hovering above BUT inside out (weird eh?) and very, very sticky.
The energetic equivalent is worrying. Moral of the story - I agree with the author, look for a master.

Feb 21, 2006

Med school presents ::

Things People Said: Patient Charts

"Skin: Somewhat pale but present."

"Patient was seen in consultation by Dr. Blank, who felt we should sit on the abdomen, and I agree."

Feb 18, 2006

Girl's Science Project May Make You Rethink That Drink Order

The 12-year-old compared the ice used in the drinks with the water from toilet bowls in the same restaurants. Jasmine said she found the results startling.

Of the bacteria found in the ice, three out of the five restaurants tested positive for fecal coliform or E. coli, organisms that come from the feces of warm-blooded animals.

Read it here

Feb 15, 2006

Japan warns 'health mushroom' could promote cancer

Japan warns 'health mushroom' could promote cancer

The Tao of Shaving

Retro - the only way to go when dealing with this facet of male grooming. The new 2,3,4 etc. blade systems are all nice and flashy as are the various quick and easy foams that go with them...but, after reading several articles written by guys with too much time I have tried the classic wet-shaving technique with the razors used in the 1900s. It's much better, much better. Takes a bit of skill, but is easy overall. I can't recommend it enough. And it is comparatively environmentally friendly thanks to the lack of plastics involved. Check it out here. Please don't use animal hair brushes - it's a most ignoble end.

Feb 13, 2006


Greetings evildoers!
The streaky blur lines race through piles of coursework (which miraculously decreases if I levitate), rehersals rehersals musical madness mingling with attempts at vocal refinement (why? why must I sing 3 octaves higher than I've ever choked out a random chord?), art - paints not making the vitual sense that I love, no layers, no colour replacement, no histograms at hand! Phytohormones!

Feb 2, 2006

Quantal lamellae

Hail fluxes of turgor snapping the woody tissue of attenuated venus fly trap jaws around the sap-stained stem of the willowing ash! These elder days have no irrigation, but live in the necrotic cages of boogie boards galore. Ah yes, the nutrients bubbling away in this or that hydroponic vat are deeper in meaning than your average cut flower. Beaker! Beaker! the putrid explosions of hybiscus flowers, tearing through the polymeric matrix of cellulotic joy and mirth! Abundance has never been a questions here!
Microfibils - bundle upon bundle of beta-glc monomers just waiting for endosymbiontic termite squatters to disassemble. A noble attempt at lignified wax. Fear my pectin.