Feb 22, 2006

Taoist Breathing - Do not try this at home

Like the title says. I was reading a book on Taiji Qigong, potentially hardcore qi refinement techniques, and the author described this system of conscious breathing. He stressed the absolute importance of having a teacher to perform this style. I, being the ever doubtful yet playful anarchist I am, decided to try it out on a small scale to judge this statement. So, about 1.5 hrs of meditation to get the etheric senses running, a couple of breaths, a break, couple more breaths, wait, watch...etc.
This is bizarre readers, so hold with the analogy: The results of the observation were something like being given a basketball (a great, kinetically powerful orb of fun) on a pleasant Spring day with little fluffy clouds hovering above BUT inside out (weird eh?) and very, very sticky.
The energetic equivalent is worrying. Moral of the story - I agree with the author, look for a master.

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