Jul 19, 2007


Originally hand-woven muslin, but now mere cellulose. I'm switching to loose-leaf.

Another heat-wave is approaching, currently surging across the desert due to reach around Saturday. The heat provides a good opportunity to melt and re-mould the remnants of the Christmas candles.

A forty degree peak will probably force more of the natives into the night, to assemble in dense familial clusters on the scorched benches strung along coastal promenades. Tomes of gossip, memories, rumours, tall tales, and dreams will be expounded into the small hours while gaggles of children play games that burst into existence and die by morning. It's always surprising how this repeats itself every night with the same volume of exchange.

The wallpaper in the old, grand houses is likely to start peeling and falling to the moths. It's just a bit ridiculous really, but keeps the mills busy and a smile on the face of many a tree-top home-owner in Papua Irian Jaya.

Jul 18, 2007


Summertime has flooded the island with tourists, heat-waves, freak cloud-bursts, and a healthy dose of change. Happens every year really (save the rain and change), but I can't seem to get used to it.

Graduation has brought a tangible and sustained sense of inertia with it. Unlike high-school, this hasn't spawned the semi-dormant mindscape I faced before entering the undergrad programme. I have great expectations for grad school (hopefully not too unfounded) which are motivating me to do some serious, albeit unusual, background preparation. The world-ocean better be ready.

I have the pronounced concern that I'm identifying too strongly with what amounts to my career at the expense of the wonderfully occult facets of humanity that idle moments used to reveal. A prolonged camping trip in some mountain range is definitely in order to prevent the seeds of a mid-mid-life crisis germinating. Paranoia.

What ARE teabags made out of?