Jan 16, 2007


Apparently there's a rather stout, North Indian looking, unidentified individual in our floor kitchen eating dinner. As floor representative I should probably "get the bug-spray" as my suite-mate suggested and remove him "exorcism style". He seems to have his own food, so hey, I won't.

I have another mammoth stack of lab reports to grade (~450 pages) and 2 days to do it in with breaks to stare at the laser scanning microscope screen for my guided research. It's not that I don't enjoy it, but there's a limit. As it happens, the first round of grades and comments I gave out struck mortal fear into the 1st years. The results for this round are quite positive - I haven't seen a learning curve so steep in a while. I will always remember the tone of one of the students as she handed me her report saying "You're the one who grades our reports?" It warped her words into "You're the one who killed my family!"

Jan 14, 2007


What is it about these writing tools that seems so ineffably awesome? The neat little icons of notes stuck with shiny pins, minimalist stationery screaming fun and class,  illusions of having a writer's studio to massage the ego...who knows.  Despite it all, my productivity in the writing domain has been far too limited to let the afterglow of the virtual studio be anything but bitter. Damn marketing. 

There will be reprisals...

How to care for Giant African Land-snails
