Mar 20, 2006

lacZ reporter fusions and Pinter plays..

Pretty close to the truth- some fields are kept apart by vast mental mine fields of inconsistency for safety reasons eh? If you happen to be an undergrad who just googled either of the terms in the subject line, know my sympathies are with you. Right now I'm sitting at my newly organized desk (and as the entropy game goes, amidst stacks of paper scattered about my floor) feeling the blood being choked from my posterior and the cellulite nucleate while singing Uzbek love ballads trying to wade through mounds of data on the fis regulation of dps and hns gene products In order to get all the work I need to get done, in fact, done, breaks consist of other work at a different frequency. But switching to a Pinter play abruptly has had some very odd effects ranging from the expected mental jibberish to digestive mayhem. Psychophysiological wonder that I am. Alas! Ovid! Where was that runic pogo stick? Posted by Picasa

Mar 16, 2006

HHV-6 - Far reaching virus

HHV-6 NEWS: Increased Neutrophil Apoptosis in AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Little known, but worth a look...

Germans anyone?

rent a German !

These people are apparently serious. It's always good to have a German on hand to show off at work or to take to lunch. The prices are rather reasonable too...

Mar 15, 2006


Nothing as evil. There's something fundamentally spooky about pigeons, the way they bob around pretending that nothing evil's going on when in fact they're epitome of a Goetia club bbq in a New South Wales summer.

Some weeks ago a gang of the hateful creatures proudly strutted up to me without the usual jumpiness exhibited around something up the food chain. There must be some sort of plasmid exchange going on between this seed-brained species cluster and a particularly canny strain of P. syringe lurking in some sludgy and moss covered control room somewhere around the North sea. The horde only began to react as I raised the half-kilo meat tenderizer I had just purchased for such occurences on high. Byron was right, there's much to worry about....Google's pigeons are out there....


The Paper Jam, that all to familiar bane on serial laser printing. Take any steps you want, high end hardware, high density paper with low frictional profiles, anything, they will happen. It's a cosmic safety catch to remind those who would shy away from duplexing that in the end it will probably happen anyway.

Even now, as I sit here under neon lights amongst rank and file of white plastic-laser-toner boxes with their frantically flashing lights, alarm bleeps, squeaking cogs and wheels, and noxious toner vapours, the powers that be make themselves all too aparent. Duplex2.4 - never dream without it.

Mar 14, 2006


Mitochondrial pyknosis these people even think when they name these things?


What's the deal with Google crawlbots anyway? Could they have thought of a creepier (almost by definition) name for their little automated software constructs that sludge their way over html and pdf alike? I mean, yes they're useful, and probably knowledge of their existence will help us in the Great War against the machines (Woe!) but come on. Of course I'm posting this on a google partner's service which probably isn't a good idea - worse still since I've recently come to know that Google now own Mars. Well, it's in the interests of humanity after all. Eat plasma bots!

La la lo lo li la

Vocal training is no joke - searching around for tips brings up funky theories on the human vocal instrument and glass elevators controlling your pharynx and links to spectrum analyzer and digital sonification software. A couple of months to learn to sing about an octave higher...possible of course just difficult due to my extreme tone deafness. I shall prevail (or at least provide myself with comic relief)!


Sweet embrace of 1am and half the biochem homework done and a healthy stack of pdfs from various journals about the mitochondrial affair. It's an ugly business when you look too deep, beta-oxidation. Anyway, feeling pretty chilled nonetheless, listening to some smooth jazz from the pacific coast of that big island chain over the Atlantic. So now, I synthesize a cup of herbal tea and enter deep trance...

Mar 13, 2006


Yes, nothing like the Interfaith house lurking in the mists behind the blossoms. So much is going on this semester that I've neglected the Buddhist club meditation meetings. No guilt mind you, it's not like I can help it, and the Admin have decided that a bunch of people sitting around is too official an event to do without booking. Corporate corruption of all things Zen. Bah.
Anyway, I have biochemistry and math homework to attack and a presentation on mitochondrial agency of apoptotic cell death to tangle with.
Here, amuse yourselves with the symbols that lurk in your subconscious....

Mar 12, 2006

Tabular Paperbags

The snow's returned, a bitter, yet strangely fluffy, testament to the brassosteroidal overkill winter does over here.
Rehearsal in ten minutes and a dinner queue worse than a conga line of anacondas - it's a pasta night tonight. Sigh, for want of 39 hour days. Well, here goes....

Don't worry about the picture, eye candy from last spring.

User friendlines counts...

Things you wish your computer had


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