Mar 20, 2006

lacZ reporter fusions and Pinter plays..

Pretty close to the truth- some fields are kept apart by vast mental mine fields of inconsistency for safety reasons eh? If you happen to be an undergrad who just googled either of the terms in the subject line, know my sympathies are with you. Right now I'm sitting at my newly organized desk (and as the entropy game goes, amidst stacks of paper scattered about my floor) feeling the blood being choked from my posterior and the cellulite nucleate while singing Uzbek love ballads trying to wade through mounds of data on the fis regulation of dps and hns gene products In order to get all the work I need to get done, in fact, done, breaks consist of other work at a different frequency. But switching to a Pinter play abruptly has had some very odd effects ranging from the expected mental jibberish to digestive mayhem. Psychophysiological wonder that I am. Alas! Ovid! Where was that runic pogo stick? Posted by Picasa

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