Feb 2, 2006

Quantal lamellae

Hail fluxes of turgor snapping the woody tissue of attenuated venus fly trap jaws around the sap-stained stem of the willowing ash! These elder days have no irrigation, but live in the necrotic cages of boogie boards galore. Ah yes, the nutrients bubbling away in this or that hydroponic vat are deeper in meaning than your average cut flower. Beaker! Beaker! the putrid explosions of hybiscus flowers, tearing through the polymeric matrix of cellulotic joy and mirth! Abundance has never been a questions here!
Microfibils - bundle upon bundle of beta-glc monomers just waiting for endosymbiontic termite squatters to disassemble. A noble attempt at lignified wax. Fear my pectin.

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