Jan 3, 2006

Rampaging Silt

Last night I spent a few uplifting hours in the water tank on top of the house. About a decade and a half ago during a storm the top flew off. The contraption I assembled to act as a temporary regulator and which ended up searching for extraterrestrials was substituted by a carefully sliced water bottle. It worked well. Anyway, our neighbour who has experience with such things came over to fix it, but sadly was unable to access the inlet which was placed about two stories above any sort of surface. So, with the tank partially drained and years of silt murking the universe I jumped in and performed very odd tasks with wrenches, mallets, chisels, buckets, a trowel, a dustpan, and brass fittings. Anyway, we think it's fixed. And no, my life doesn't wholly consist of the water tank, but that's all that seems to make to the internet.

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