Dec 26, 2005

Toasted pine nuts

Ah, the diabolical pre-diabetic dimensions of yuletide sugar consumption. How it irks me and yet how I love it so.
The weather back on the island is clear and sunny - perfect for staying inside and lurking in the damp recesses of catacombs and the like. I've been battling with the water tank on our roof since the buoyancy of the regulator has gone on a bus tour of every conceivable level of hell. I managed to slow down the problem using an ancient handball, a ball of string, 4 planks of wood, a bouncy squeak toy the cats play with, and 50 square (or rather hypercubic considering what I had to do to it) centimeters of bubble wrap. Hopefully someone who actually knows what they're doing will grace our rooftop after the holidays.
Visited the cliffs on the western coast of the island on Saturday with camera in hand. Sadly, I left my USB cable of righteous transversion back at uni, so acquisition must occur before I can upload.
Went over to a set of adjacent-in-laws yesterday and witnessed the singing (howling) of Christmas carols ( Mogul battle cries) to celebrate (profane) the birth in the manger. But it was nice. Very warming after a few bowls of punch.
Today's been quiet. Checked my pseudoregulator on the roof which has transformed itself into some form of communication device which mysteriously beeps now and then like the musical tie I got for the Christmas party. As long as it helps the situation I'm not touching it.
Anyhow, I have a date with a pot of salt and a calf skull.
Adieu readers...

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