Oct 24, 2005

Yes, whatever dims eventually enters utter darkness if no salt water taffy machines are spinning their happy way nearby. Oh sweet nexus of light and cavities! It's not a bad thing really, your average afternoon walk can become a wonderful night lurk and the bizarre creatures that live in the labs and sing arias have more time to peer out longingly from the windows at passers by (or potential nutrition as they see it).
Ode to the Namibian upwelling system! Its microbial methanogens float islands on methane by choking out everything else. Maybe a smaller version of that is operating here, a sort of fizzy energy cokebottleneck that degrades all our glistening enamel into the mushy goo that the researches harvest from the drainage system and incorporate into the evil marshmellows they make in their lab ovens and sell to the unsuspecting inhabitants of the outside world. Spooky eh?
Don't be fooled by the smushy filling of schmores around the campfire - those were someones molars! Beware, Beware!!
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