Aug 20, 2006

Superstrings in 10-dimensions

Here's a little flash tutorial to help the old 4 dimensional faculties twist around some of the theoretical physics out there.

A handy little framework for handling karma too, just hover over the Navigation panel and click on "Imagining the Tenth Dimension" for the feature presentation...


Anonymous said...

What would be more interesting is to see a direct USE for those American-accented words. I can think of folding the fifth dimension - woohoo! And?

These researchers get PAID for this?? Society's messed up man... Or rather, it's second dimension is folded a bit too tightly.

And don't get me started on "psychology"... :)

PL said...

Direct uses are great when you´re lucky enough to find them, but the more sophisticated the science gets, the more sophisticated (and most often indirect) the methods used to understand and practically manipulate the systems involved must be.
Remember that when you get your first quantum computer.