Aug 23, 2006

"Meet your meat"

Depicted, a calf being raised for veal in a motion restrictive stall to ensure that its muscles don't develop enough to affect the 'quality' of the product. Since most of us stopped killing animals directly for meat and meat products the situation has gotten quite ugly without most being even remotely aware of it.

Calves raised for veal are kept in stalls so small that they can't even turn around.

Industrial farming has led to the severe mistreatment of animals to keep up with the demand for meat. Their sentience is hardly questionable, leaving only ignorance and the lack of will to change the shameful state of affairs on our side to blame. If you're going to eat factory meat, at least know you're doing it, what it is, and where it comes from. Check out for information or if you're in the mood for documentary, click here (NB: the documentary features very graphic images).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the antibiotics, hundreds of stalls cramped together, smells, shit, piss, the meat grinders...

Welcome to the Earth, where we'll make sure you are pleased at the expense of every living being around you!