Jan 12, 2006


We have made bread . Using the momentum of my suite-mate's latest compulsion, and the bread making knowledge of http://bread.allrecipes.com/ we successfully (well...) created a sourdough and a sweet bread loaf. I personally think the amount of toil and kneading put in was a bit in excess, at any rate it's given the suite-mate a new appreciation for the humble loaf. It gave me the most violent attack of hiccups I've had in a long time - I think the yeast were wreaking their revenge for being pounded for so long. Luckily, I'll get to expose their kind to all sorts of reagents in the lab to reassert authority.
My TAing job is going quite well, the first years this time round are probably more interesting than we were, It's a wonderful feeling when they turn to you, as an overflowing reservoir of knowing and wisdom, which causes you to grandiloquently refer them to the manual to which they bury themselves in....I try, I try. The introductory labs are over, and they should have enough skills not to wound each other too badly - Today: Pancreatic enzyme activity.

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