Dec 4, 2005


It's been a while eh? Well, the end of the semester rush is beginning with all the assignments, exams, and other forms of torture that are supposed to make us better
human beings (or societal fodder, whichever way you want to look at it).
On November 18th the Buddhist club (officially run by me, in reality we just sort of sit around without running) hosted Tibetan Buddhist chantmaster Ani Choying Drolma (see picture) in the campus Interfaith House. It was a cool concert and we managed to raise a chunk of funds for the charity foundation she represents.
Remembering the skill of chanting, yesterday I vocally resonated with the microwave in our floor kitchen while heating up some hot chocolate. The syncronization and delocalization of sound has a rather interesting effect of expanding the awareness of self and gives the potential for tripped out dissolution. Very cool, thought I. And so transcendental mind surfing finds no enemy in modern conveniences, fear not your microwaves! Posted by Picasa

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