Dec 12, 2005

Demons of Christmas

Easily one of the scariest damnable phenomena lurking in Bremen this demonic giant Santa Claus (the biggest in Europe apparently, like we really needed 3 stories of hohohoing monstrosity) was something that lit up my Christmas explorations in the city. The thing had glowing eyes for crying out loud - stick that to a deep, satanic voice and gnarled hands that brought back images of trolls ripping apart livestock for fun.
They really know how to make it special for kids here. To top it off they lit it with GREEN - the effect was less than jingle bells shall we say.
I've recently been picking up my explorations of the sleep-wake barrier and have discovered some odd things about this and that take on reality. Yes it does get funky and not there are no psychedelics involved. In one session not too long ago I was taught how to change a tyre on a large rig in the fog by a gnomish mechanic, figured out that if you look at the wrong thing in the right light conditions the GAPING holes in reality become all too apparent (which gives one a new appreciation for how unknowingly brave everyone really is), and also that monks get slightly irritated and start forbidding seeing the relics of buddhas when you astrally invade the cracks in monastery floorboards. There was more but words don't really make it.
Anyhow back to exams...oh sweet reprieve how I long for thee!
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