Jun 2, 2005

The gum under the desktop

Greetings readers and other forms of journal metabolizers! Once again I’m in my hallway of wonder and delight listening to the birdcalls from our neighbours aviary drift through the kitchen, knock stuff over via a cat or two, and do strange things to the disk defragmenter I have running. Today I dropped into my mother’s elementary ESL class as a visitor. Cruel woman that she is, she made her students introduce themselves in the same way I had to at that age. The psychological tremors that generated are only now being felt ~ I strive not to free my soft toys from storage, arm them with machetes and chain guns, train them in various fatal ninjitsu techniques, and let them loose upon the elementary school administrations of the world!!! Anyway, I gave them an abstract science lesson and I think I taught one how to integrate. Three of the little daemons were paying attention, two of those to my disjointed ramblings and the other to make sure he wouldn’t miss when he decided to bite my hand. Rabid little orangutan. Next time I’ll be armed with chloroform and a jetpack for a quick getaway. But it was fun. oooooooooooo! look at this! i didn't know you could do this! woohoo! ahem, sorry.

The picture doesn’t really have an explanation, since I can’t remember the circumstances surrounding it. I don’t think it had anything to do with the cheese we committed to moulder in its grave, but it could. Perhaps the duck that decided to build a nest and lay eggs outside Nikita’s window had something to do with it. It hissed at me when I tried to feed it, which it shouldn’t since I’m all nature friendly and whatnot. I think ducks now can somehow detect maltese genomes. Or maybe the collective dreams about Chupacabras and Yetis and Yerens et cetera took there toll all at once. Who knows, but it’s there anyway…damn, now I’m upset. I’ll post later maybe.

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