Nov 27, 2006


My weekend was consumed brutally by grad school applications and writing abstracts on the neurobiology of honey-bees, salmon, birds, and a veritable bestiary of nervous systems. Thanks to an absolute slaughterfest of an anime called Berserk, my thoughts on human life oscillated dangerously during this time.

Anyway, can't slow down, this is the last ditch for this semester and then back home for some Wintertime sugar highs. Looking forward to that. The future man! Speaking of which the spider in our bathroom at the beginning of the year is now about 6. They occasionally try to web me, but hey, I'm a vertebrate, and no chelicerate under 1 foot in diameter is going to elicit any violence. non-violence, yeah.

Made myself some honey enriched tea after finding a website claiming honey and cinnamon mixtures can cure pretty much anything. Funny how a random psycho's page on the internet can actually motivate me to do something I've been reading for years. Might as well, the short-days up here make the 8am seem like 5 so one can get all twilight-metaphysical with the tea. It's the force, man. The force.

Right now I'm sitting in a biodiversity class filled with first years. I wonder if they know I'll be TAing them during their biochemistry and cell biology lab course...take that! ha! I'm a freaking nice TA though, so they say when I point a loaded pipette at them, hehehehe - yeah, frigate birds! cleptoparasites, freaks.

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